Sunday, May 13, 2012

Slicing and Dicing

 AKA: Tiny food cubes and how to make them with your knife.

When I got started in the kitchen I had no idea how much MATH I would be using on a daily basis... and not just simple adding and subtracting either; we're talking ratios, averages, geometry!

Most chefs probably wouldn't describe it that way, but to the analytically minded it makes a lot of sense to view the kitchen from a mathematical standpoint.

What does all that have to do with dicing vegetables? Well, think about it: what is "dicing?"

Dicing is the culinary cut used to take a big thing and divide it up into lots and lots of uniformly 'cube' shaped smaller things.

There are numerous reasons why a chef would want to do that, but the main ones are:

Aesthetic appeal: presenting a perfectly uniform product is a way for cooks to display their professional skill and prowess in the kitchen.

Standardization: cooking times are affected by the mass and volume of an object relative to the method of cooking applied to it. By cutting ingredients to a uniform size the savvy chef can control how long it will take to cook them. The smaller the object, the less cooking required. The 'cube' shape is also ideal for ensuring ingredients are cooked evenly. Just think of dice rattling around when you play Yahtzee; there is equal opportunity and probability that all six sides will at some point be in direct contact with the surface of the table (or in this case the surface of a hot pan!)

How to Dice
The most important aspect of a proper dice is consistency. 

There's a big difference between 'whacking up' and 'dicing.' That difference is consistency. When dicing, the space between the cuts you make will be the same size every time. If you can consistently perform those measured cuts, you can rely on the finished product being uniform. 

Vegetables come in all different shapes and sizes, but the general method of dicing will usually be the same: 
  • Remove as little excess product as possible to make a big cube;
  • Divide that cube into slices; 
  • Divide those slices into columns; 
  • Divide those columns into uniform cells

This is the basic 'grid' method of dicing and is the most widely used by professionals. Potatoes and carrots are good mediums for practicing this technique. 

Some vegetables are abnormally shaped and provide a particular challenge to culinary perfectionists (think butternut squash), but you'll get the hang of it with a little bit of practice and creativity. Just look at the object and imagine the greatest possible combination of cubes you can carve out of it. 

There are three different sizes of dice: but I'm feeling lazy so I'll tell you about those later.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Tools and Techniques: Taking Care of Your Knife (cont'd)

In my last post I talked about some of the tools commonly used in knife sharpening. In this post my emphasis will be on keeping your knife sharp. Taking care of a good knife should be easy. It's just like putting oil in your car; a little routine maintenance will go a long way toward extending the life of your knife. The bottom line is: Respect your tools and they will serve you indefinitely.  

The most important things you can do to keep your knives in good condition:

Keep it sharp.  Keeping your knife sharp does not require frequent use of a whetstone; in fact, Over sharpening your blade will ruin it. The thinner the blade, the sharper the edge; the more metal you take away from the intended edge of your knife the closer you get to the thick spine at the back. This will make it increasingly difficult to achieve the ideal shape needed to produce a fine cutting edge.

This is where the honing steel comes into play. Sharpening is the act of removing metal from the edge of your blade to achieve an ideal cutting angle; honing removes no metal and is meant solely to preserve the edge that you already have. This means that it is useless to use a honing steel on a knife that is already blunt because you won't be taking enough metal away to reshape the edge. Different knives require different honing techniques, but for this example I'll assume that the knife in question is of Western origin and is made from a slightly softer steel.

To the naked eye your knife blade will appear smooth and continuous, but if you examine the edge of your blade under a microscope, you will notice what are known as 'micro-serrations'. As you use your knife, these saw-toothed micro-serrations will warp and become misaligned, causing increased drag as the blade is drawn through whatever material you happen to be cutting. The goal of using a honing steel is to realign those micro-serrations into a closer approximation of a smooth and continuous line. 

When using a honing steel, the most important thing to remember is consistency. Use smooth strokes to drawn the knife across the steel at about a 30 to 45 degree angle. Very little pressure is necessary, and speed is definitely NOT a factor, so just focus on keeping your angle consistent. Honing should be performed before AND after using your knife. 

Keep it clean. Metal is porous; this means that dirt, oils, bacteria and food particles can become embedded in those pores to corrode and tarnish the finish of a knife. Avoid touching the business end of you knife with your bare hands; if you must handle the blade, remember to wipe it clean with a damp cloth afterward. Clean your knife as soon as you are finished using it to prepare food and sanitize it regularly. A good method for sanitizing your knife is to pick up a container of oxalic acid based cleansing powder ('Barkeeper's Friend' is a recommended brand). Dab a damp sponge in the powder and scrub down the entire knife including the handle; Make sure not to cut yourself while cleaning the blade.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Tools and Techniques: Taking Care of Your Knife

Grinding, honing, stropping, lapping:
Isn't it all the same thing?!

That's cute, Timmy... now let me hit you with some knowledge.

Let's start with this: The thinner the edge, the sharper the blade will be. Straight razors are able to shave hair because the have a very thin, delicate edge.

So why don't chefs chop onions with straight razors? 

Well, the key word here is DELICATE. Think about the last nail you tried to hammer into the wall; no matter how softly you tap it with that hammer it starts to bend, right? Now imagine tapping on a nail as thin as a human hair. Doesn't work, right?

When attempting to put a proper edge on a knife, a little knowledge about the materials that you are working with can go a long way.


Harder metals can hold an edge for longer, but are more difficult to sharpen and less resistant to chipping.

Softer metals are easier to shape into a sharp cutting edge, but they will dull quickly and require more frequent maintenance.

Most quality knives on the market today are produced with a combination of these two attributes in mind. Some cooks desire a very hard edge that requires little effort to maintain once it's been shaped; others want a softer, more flexible blade that can easily take a razor edge with a few swipes of a honing steel.

Tools and Terms:

Grinding: Grinding is the process of removing metal from the surface of the edge in order to achieve the desired shape. The tools used for this step are called "grinding stones" and they come in progressively finer grits, just like sand paper; the finer the grit, the less metal is removed when you pass it across the stone.

Honing: Honing is used to maintain an edge that you already have on a blade. A "honing steel" (that rod thingy  that your dad pretends to know how to use when he carves the thanksgiving turkey) is made from very hard metal which is designed to realign the fine, delicate edge that you just ruined by slamming it repeatedly into a cutting board. We'll talk about how to use it properly later on.

Stropping: We've all seen "ye olde" barber doing his thing with the razor and the leather strop, but what the hell is it for? Well, human hair is surprisingly strong and to cut it the edge needs to be thin enough actually slip between the individual cells that the hair is built from. The blade is so thin that taking any metal away from it would remove the edge entirely, so instead the metal is drawn out and refined using the strop.

Lapping: Lapping is the final step in polishing a knife: Every time you scrape a piece of metal against a rough surface, tiny scratches are left. Lapping utilizes a surface which is fine enough to leave only infinitesimal scratches that result in the smoothest, mirrored surface possible. The smoother the surface, the higher the polish, the lower the friction created when drawing a knife through whatever it is you are cutting. 

Okay, Timmy, that's enough knowledge for today. Write it out fifty times in Greek and tomorrow I'll start telling you how to put it all together.


(Continued here)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

How to choose a knife

Any chef worth his salt (heh heh) will tell you that the most essential piece of kitchen equipment that you can own is a sturdy, sharp, chef's knife.

That having been said, there are literally thousands of kitchen knife brands and styles to choose from. The most important thing is to find one that works for you and that does the job you need it to

Most home cooks don't need a $300 MAC (although they are oh so dreamy...), but by the same token you don't want to skimp on such a vital piece of equipment. You may end up with a tool that won't reliably do what it's supposed to, which in this case is... cut stuff. 
So where's the middle ground?

Somewhere between Cutco and Kanetsugu

Knives are a lot like designer fashion: fads come and go. Why? Because different people like different things; they have different needs, different sized hands, and different levels of skill at using and caring for their tools.

In the end, you want a knife that sits comfortably in your hand, is produced from good quality materials, and is within your capabilities to properly maintain. 

Here are some important questions to ask when buying a knife:

What will I be using this knife for, and how often?

Does the weight feel right? Is it well balanced?

Is the grip comfortable?

How was it produced, and of what quality material? 

Where was it made?

Who made it?

How difficult will it be to keep in good working condition? 

What special tools, if any, are necessary to maintain it?

How much am I willing to spend?

I love my Wusthoff classics, but there are people out there who wouldn't be caught dead holding one. The reason I like them is because they're good "workhorse" knives. They take a beating and pretty much beg for more. They fit my needs and I like the way the handles feel. 


I am a professional chef. I use my knives all day every day. I have the time, the tools, and the experience to service my knives personally, and for me a new knife equals a tax write-off. 

Evaluate your need: 
A) an Iron Chef in search of "Excalibur?"
B) an ambitious weekend warrior shopping for the latest Food Network endorsed mini-machete?
C) a home cook desirous of utilitarian grace and efficiency at a reasonable price?

Do "hands on" research:
Go out to the department store and pick up a few knives. 
NO! PUT THAT WALLET AWAY... jackass...
Don't buy anything yet, just pick them up with your dominant hand and see how they feel. Try looking in shops that specialize in kitchen equipment and see what the clerk can tell you about the different brands. Remember the questions you asked yourself earlier and ask the person behind the counter to help you answer them.

Shop around:
It's okay to fall in love with an expensive knife, but before you hand over your credit card (or sulk away with your pockets turned out), get on the interwebs and see if someone else can give you the same knife for less. Try
While you're at it, find a review of the knife you like and read what other people might have to say about it. For more professional advice, check out

Happy hunting, and remember...

Cutco sucks.